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Central European Public Administration Review ; 20(1):57-84,169, 2022.
Article in English | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1879701


Namen: Namen raziskave je ponuditi primerjavo vladnih odzivov in izzivov, s katerimi so se srečevale oblasti v državah Višegrajske skupine med izbruhom pandemije covida-19. Zasnova/Metodologija/Pristop: Raziskava temelji na metodi primerjalne analize. Vladni odzivi so analizirani s pomočjo pregleda literature in podatkov, pridobljenih iz različnih virov, npr., OECD, WHO, Svetovne banke, Eurostata, CoronaNET in spletnega orodja za spremljanje odzivov oblasti na novi koronavirus (Covid-19 Government Response Tracker). Ugotovitve: Države Višegrajske skupine so se v začetni fazi uspešno soočile s pandemijo covida-19. V primerjavi s številnimi drugimi državami v Evropi ali po svetu so zabeležile manj obolelih in nižjo smrtnost. Uspešne so bile predvsem zahvaljujoč pravočasnemu in odločnemu odzivanju ter ostrim ukrepom za zajezitev bolezni. Povsod so se dosledno izvajali nefarmakološki ukrepi. K premagovanju covida-19 so v članicah Višegrajske skupine pomembno prispevali obvezno nošenje mask, zaupanje v vlado ter težnja prebivalstva k spoštovanju predpisov. Žal pa je v dveh državah skupine (Poljska in Madžarska) med pandemijo nazadovala demokracija. Vpliv v praksi: Raziskava kaže, da se pandemije hitro širijo in v kratkem času prizadenejo številne države. Imajo pomemben vpliv na javno zdravje, gospodarstvo ter družbene in politične strukture držav. Da bi zmanjšale ali preprečile njihove učinke, se morajo vlade odzvati hitro. Prav čas je ključni dejavnik uspeha v boju proti pandemiji in pri omilitvi njenih posledic. Izvirnost/Vrednost: Cilj raziskave je zagotoviti podrobno in primerjalno analizo vladnih odzivov in izzivov držav Višegrajske skupine v boju proti covidu-19 v začetni fazi pandemije.Alternate :Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare government responses and the challenges faced by public authorities in the Visegrad/V4 countries during the Covid-19 outbreak. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on a comparative analysis method. In this study, we analysed government responses through literature review and data obtained from various databases. The data used in the study were collected from, OECD, WHO, World Bank, Eurostat databases, CoronaNET dataset and Covid-19 Government Response Tracker. Findings: The Visegrad countries did well during the initial phase of the Covid-19 pandemic. Compared to many other countries in Europe or in the world, they had less cases and lower death rates. What made them successful was timely and decisive reactions and harsh measures to curb Covid-19. They all implemented Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions strictly. Mandatory mask wearing, trust in the government and people's tendency to obey the rules all helped V4 members in the fight against Covid-19. However, in two countries (Poland and Hungary) of the V4 Group, democracy was in decline during the outbreak. Practical Implications: The study shows that pandemics spread rapidly and affect many countries within a short time. They have a significant impact on public health, the economy, and social and political structures of the countries. In order to reduce or prevent their effects, the governments must provide a timely response. Timing is a key success factor in the fight against the pandemics and helps minimise the consequences thereof. Originality/Value: The study aims to contribute a detailed and comparative analysis of government responses and challenges of V4 countries in the fight against Covid-19 in the initial stage of the outbreak.

Kafkas University. Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Journal ; 12(23):415-451, 2021.
Article in Turkish | ProQuest Central | ID: covidwho-1299839


ÖZ I Bu çalişmanin amaci;2019 yilinin sonlarina doǧru Çinin Wuhan eyaletinde ortaya çikan Yeni Koronavirüs (Kovid-19) salgini sirasinda Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinin ve bunun parçasi olan Saǧlik Bakanliǧinin 01 Ocak-31 Mayis 2020 tarihleri arasinda aldiǧi önlemleri ve uygulamiş olduǧu politikalari iyi yöneti(şi)m ilkeleri açisindan tartişmaktir. Bu çalişma nitel araştirma yöntemlerinden betimsel analiz yöntemine dayanmaktadir. Aralik 2019da ortaya çikan Yeni Koronavirüs (Kovid19) salgini kisa bir sürede tüm dünyayi etkisi altina almiştir. Türkiye de bu salgindan etkilenen ülkelerden biri olmakla beraber aldiǧi önlemlerle süreci oldukça iyi yönetmiş ve birçok gelişmiş ülkeyle kiyaslandiǧinda başarili bir sinav vermiştir. Türkiyenin salgin sürecindeki yaklaşimi ve aldiǧi tedbirler iyi yönetişimin katilimcilik, hesap verebilirlik, açiklik ve şeffaflik, hukukun üstünlüǧü, etkinlik/etkililik ve eşitlik ilkelerini barindirdiǧi açikça görülmektedir. Çalişma ile literatürde Türkiyenin salginla mücadelesinin iyi yöneti(şi)m açisindan yeteri kadar deǧerlendirilmediǧi düşünülerek bu alandaki eksikliǧin giderilmesine katki saǧlanmasi amaçlanmiştir.Alternate abstract:I The purpose of this study is to discuss the measures and policies implemented by Turkish Republic and the Ministry of Health during Novel Coronavirüs (Covid-19) pandemic (January 1st - May 31st 2020) in terms of good governance. This study is based on descriptive analysis method that is one of the qualitative research methods. Novel Coronavirus outbreak which occurred in Wuhan, China in December 2019 influenced the whole world within no time. Although Turkey is one of the countries affected by this epidemic, she managed the process quite well with the measures she took. When compared to many developed countries, Turkey was quite successful. The approaches and measures of Turkey in the pandemic management process contain many principles of good governance such as participation, accountability, openness and transparency, the rule of law, effectiveness/efficiency and equity. In this study, we aimed to discuss the good governance practices of Turkey which weren't enough discussed in the literature during the fight against the pandemic. By doing so we aimed to contribute to the elimination of the gap in this area.